
What makes php[tek] special for the PHP community?

If you are new to php[tek], welcome to the family, read on and learn about this unique conference experience. The creative minds behind php[architect] magazine have been running php[tek] as an annual PHP & web technology conference since 2006.  We’ve also organized numerous other conferences, starting as far back as 2004, but php[tek] is a special event dear to our hearts.

You see, php[tek] is a PHP conference like no other: it brings together great technology content and great people and mixes them up in a wonderful cocktail of PHP fun.  We like to think of php[tek] as a professional conference with a community flair. You will find a high-quality presentations by the brightest experts in the PHP world, coupled with a welcoming and friendly community of attendees and speakers.

Meet and learn from fellow developers.

Also at php[tek] there are plenty of great opportunities for networking and talking shop with your fellow attendees and the speakers.  At php[tek], you will find a familiar atmosphere that revolves around people, and not around business interests. Speakers, organizers, sponsors and attendees mingle and learn from each other as much in the “hallway track”, as in the sessions themselves.

There are no exclusive parties or secret by-invitation-only rooms.  We’re all in it together to learn, communicate and grow.  We have a relaxed schedule during the day to ensure that you have plenty of time to absorb the material. Our speakers are approachable and you can get one-on-one time with them if you have questions.

And we plan numerous special events in the evenings to continue your ability to make connections, learn, and relax after a long day with your fellow attendees.

17335535185_742b45dd79_kSee you in St. Louis!

For all the reasons above, php[tek] is a unique conference experience not to be missed.  We hope to see you in St. Louis this year, and when you are there, make sure you say hello and introduce yourself. We look forward to meeting you.

In the meantime follow @phparch on twitter for timely updates about php[tek]. Our official hashtag is #phptek.

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Keep Track of Us

Follow @phparch on twitter for timely updates about php[tek]. Our official hashtag is #phptek.


We'd like to thank the following sponsors for making this conference possible!




Casino Night Sponsor

Red Ventures

Community Night Sponsor


Special Sponsor

10UP / Joyent

Reception Sponsor






Classy Llama

Drupal Association

Coffee & Lanyard Sponsor


Badge Sponsor


Supporting Sponsor


Training Day Sponsor